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Systems Theory Of Management

Systems Theory Of Management

Mithun Sridharan, Social Media Lead (PMI) and Founder (Think Insights) will present a webinar on the Systems Theory of Management. Systems Theory of Management is an approach to management that views organizations as complex systems that interact with their environment. It emphasizes the interdependence of various parts of an organization, and the importance of understanding how these parts work together to achieve the overall goals of the organization.

According to Systems Theory, an organization can be thought of as a system made up of various subsystems, such as departments, teams, or individuals, which are all interconnected and interdependent. Changes to one subsystem can have an impact on the entire system, and the success of the organization depends on how well these subsystems work together.

Systems Theory is important for project managers because it provides a framework for understanding the complexity of organizations and projects. By viewing an organization as a system, project managers can identify the various subsystems and their interdependencies, and take a holistic approach to project planning and execution.

By taking a systems approach, project managers can better anticipate and mitigate potential issues, and ensure that their projects are aligned with the larger goals of the organization. They can also identify opportunities for synergy and collaboration between different subsystems, and leverage these opportunities to improve project outcomes and overall organizational performance.

As a pre-read, please review the article on the systems theory of management at this URL.

Speaker Biography

Mithun Sridharan
Mithun Sridharan is a Social Media Lead at PMI Germany Chapter and the Founder of Think Insights, a popular website on Strategy, Management Consulting and Digital Transformation. He is a Global Industry Advisor at a leading cloud technology company, where he advises CxOs & Executives at global corporations on their Digital Transformation initiatives and directs strategic investments in joint ventures and corporate portfolios. Prior, he served on leadership roles at global Management Consulting & technology firms, such as KPMG, Sapient Consulting and Oracle. He holds an MBA from ESMT Berlin and a Masters from Christian Albrechts University of Kiel. He is a recognized speaker and Thought Leader on Strategy, Digital Transformation, Organization Design, Change Management and Data Literacy topics with several publications on high-impact journals, such as American Banker, Wired, etc. He is based in Heidelberg, Germany





Contact for inquiries: Mail to Mithun Sridharan

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Beginn der Veranstaltung 22.06.2023 19:00
Ende der Veranstaltung 22.06.2023 19:45
Anmeldeschluss 22.06.2023
max. Teilnehmer 100
Teilnehmer 18
Freie Plätze 82
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