This process is now complete. If you want to know more about PMI's leadership team, you can find an overview here.
From a German perspective, two names deserve special mention: Johannes Heinlein and Lysan Drabon.

In Johannes Heinlein's area of responsibility, Lysan Drabon is responsible for the Europe region as part of the extended Leadership Team. Lysan is originally from Wismar and lives with her family near Brussels. Lysan has been with PMI for about 10 years. She has always been closely connected to the former chapters in Germany through her roles and responsibilities and also accompanied us during the merger of the chapters to form the PMI Germany Chapter.
In the expectation that one's roots have a lifelong effect, we hope that the two will provide many positive impulses for PMI in Germany.
This is also interesting because PMI has declared Germany and France to be its "focus market". This means that PMI as an organization wants to be particularly active and grow here. With more than 10,000 members, PMI in Germany is already a relevant institution and important voice when it comes to advancing knowledge and experience around projects and project management. This should be expressed even more strongly in the future.
Interessant ist dies auch deshalb, weil PMI Deutschland und Frankreich zum „Fokusmarkt“ erklärt hat. Das bedeutet, dass PMI als Organisation hier besonders aktiv sein und wachsen möchte. Mit über 10.000 Mitgliedern ist PMI in Deutschland bereits heute eine relevante Institution und bedeutende Stimme, wenn es darum geht, Wissen und Erfahrungen rund um Projekte und Projektmanagement voranzubringen. Das soll in Zukunft noch stärker zum Ausdruck kommen.
It pays to be with PMI!