The Re-Launch of the Local Group Konstanz Stammtisch after Corona was more than successful. Nothing can replace a direct togetherness, a direct seeing, feeling, smelling and hearing. Combined with a boat trip on the Untersee, ideas for the future of the Stammtisch bubbled up. This motivated very much and so we have planned a lot!
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The re-launch of the LG Konstanz Stammtisch gave us a picture-book sunset during the evening cruise on Lake Constance's Untersee. It's obvious - when 8 highly qualified project managers from different industries come together, the originally planned project goal - an evening cruise with sunset can only be completed successfully!    

The meeting point was initially set in the "Freiräumen" in the old town of Constance, where Markus had already set up and tested the technology in advance. We also wanted to try out a new location for once. And so Werner Waldner could also participate virtually in our first personal ‘Stammtisch’ after the Corona break.

After all registered participants had found the premises, the ‘Stammtisch’  was started with a short round of introductions and a query about the expectations. Werner had also talked intensively about the reorganization of the German Chapter and so many interesting news were exchanged.    
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It is nice that we have met again for a real meeting together. Nothing can replace direct interaction, direct seeing, feeling, smelling and hearing. And even if the equipment for virtual meetings is as good as it is. It can't be a substitute - but it can be a supplement and sometimes a relief. Even if Werner Waldner joined us at short notice via MS-Teams, the boat trip could not really be replaced virtually. How should such a sunset be transferred on the screen? And so we continued our networking during the walk to the boat dock and then on the boat and also made new contacts.  
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The Covid pandemic had completely paralyzed the Stammtisch Konstanz. The motivation to organize and participate in a virtual Stammtisch was not there. We all did not want to meet again virtually after the regular business day required enough virtuality.

And now? What do we do with our PMI LG Konstanz Stammtisch in the future?   

It is so important to make contacts and to network. During our re-launch of the regulars' table we met new people and were surprised to find out that many similarities in hobbies and profession in the context of project management exist. And that even across different industries.   

If we hadn't met and talked, we wouldn't have found that out!  It's that simple!

And that holds so much exciting and interesting ideas for further exchange. 

And so we brainstormed a few topics for further meetings:    
  • How do we get young PMs excited about being there?    
  • Our involvement in the universities?   
  • Industry-specific project management - what is different, special or the same with you as in other industries.  
  • If possible, we want to meet at different locations at companies - maybe even with a manufacturing or plant tour? That would be exciting and very interesting.    

All in all! The 'Stammtisch’ was great - and not only, but also because of the boat trip. Whether we do this every time is questionable, but we could also go rowing, sailing, or walk-the-talk together? Ideas are numerous and they bubbled-up.   

More activity combined with good conversation, instead of just sitting! We do not always need a lovely sunset scenary for that and there are many possibilities and also experiences from the group.    So we agreed to kick-off and want to meet 2-monthly.     

Dear project management colleagues in the area of Lake Constance! Take your feet in your hands and drop by at the next LG Konstanz Stammtisch. Next one will tentatively happen on Sep 19th.  

You never know in advance who you will meet and how many interesting things will come up.   
So have courage to be uncertain! PDUs are also available.    

And one last thing....    
We have noticed that the communication about the 'Stammtisch’ is still sub-optimal.    
There are several ways to improve this on your own. Check the newsletter(s) of the PMI Germany Chapter. Regional and local newsletters will be sent out more frequently in the future. 
The PMI-GC website can also help to get notified.   
And take your colleagues with you - advertise in your direct environment. 
Yes - it may be more "pull" than "push", but that's the only way to move forward.    
See you soon!   

The Stammtisch Team LG Konstanz.    

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to,,

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