The Variety of topics, experience, characters, and vibes across the CoPs is a huge source of potential, that can enormously develop not only the Germany chapter, but also the whole PMI Community.
In order to canalize this potential and energy on more effective and productive way we started developing a new Concept for CoPs’ management.
In the beginning was the vision. Long before the merger into the PMI Germany Chapter, the first product of the not yet officially founded PMI Germany Chapter was decided: the Communities of Practice. Jörg Glunde, acting VP Member, with the support of Thomas Wuttke, looked for volunteers in the merging associations who would like to find and lead a Community of Practice. All of these so-called CoP Heads had a clear vision: they wanted to achieve leadership in project management topics, to strengthen the relevance in the project management community, and on the other hand to enable our members throughout Germany to engage in professional exchange and discourse in order to prepare and place practical ideas in the German PM community - in any case, the results should also be presented to a broad chapter audience.
Thanks go to the CoP Heads of the first hour, who got this stone rolling:
Annett Schlotte Antje Lehmann-Benz Dr. Sandra Gohrbandt Dr. Eckhard Hauenherm Dr. Peter Fey Dr. Ralf Braune |
Florian Ardigheri Frank Tassone Marco Steidel Mirko Blüming Stefan Brüning Thomas Wuttke |
In the meantime, about 100 members were involved in the CoPs, but the ambitious goals were not reached as the Heads of CoPs imagined. So a new concept was needed.
What makes the new concept so special?
Finally, core values of the new concept will be:
- Leading By Example - where mutual respect, empathy, professional attitude, self-discipline, open mind, and high motivation will be the main drivers in CoPs’ management
- Professional Expertise - sharing knowledge, experience, standards and feedback
- Enthusiasm - solution orientation thinking, inspiring, supporting, and motivating people and ideas
High performing community of experts, which contribute to significant topics and create a scalable database of knowledge and tools worldwide
Mission of the new concept
With the new concept, we want to create advanced knowledge and sharing best practices to support and promote innovative solutions to the challenges in project, program, or portfolio management areas.
With all this our aim will be to make a CoPs even more attractive place for a lot of new members and volunteers, to boost the motivation of existing ones and to win all their great ideas for the PMI Germany Chapter Community.
In the next months the Concept will start its performing phase and we well be more than happy to further share some result with you.
Support Needed
It will not work without support to implement the new concept.
Apply here as Head of CoP: https://pmi-gc.de/en/join/find-volunteer-opportunities/910-opportunity-head-of-cop-en